Our Services

rental & leasing

Our flexible leasing agreements start with a standard 12-month term. After six months, you have the freedom to continue with your current vehicle, upgrade to a different model, or terminate the lease—all without any additional fees. Simply provide us with one month's notice if you decide to cancel or upgrade.

We include road tax, servicing, and annual MOT as standard in all our leases to ensure hassle-free maintenance for our customer’s. Please note that insurance is not included, allowing you the flexibility to choose your own provider. Expect continuous customer support throughout your lease, ensuring a smooth, hassle free and satisfying experience.

Delivery & Collection

We provide a convenient delivery service to make receiving your vehicle as easy as possible. For a reasonable upfront fee, you can have your car delivered to a location of your choice - be it your workplace, home, or a nearby transport hub. Our customer service team will coordinate with you to schedule a delivery at a time and date that fits into your schedule.

Alternatively, if you prefer to collect the vehicle yourself, we offer a flexible pick-up option at no additional charge. Simply choose a time and date that works best for you, and your vehicle will be ready and waiting for you with a customer service member.


Every car you pick up from us will be spotless inside and out—because we believe in giving you a clean, fresh start to your journey. We take our time to make sure each vehicle looks great and feels welcoming.

Before you drive away, your vehicle will be inspected by a qualified mechanic and any known faults rectified. We’re all about making your experience with us smooth and enjoyable from the get-go.

mileage allowance

Every one of our vehicles comes with a generous monthly mileage allowance designed to meet your driving needs. If you exceed your monthly allowance, don’t worry —we calculate mileage usage as an average over the entire term of your contract, providing you with flexibility and peace of mind.

Should your total mileage exceed the allowance by the end of your lease term, a nominal fee of 20p per mile will apply. For those anticipating higher mileage needs, we offer a range of additional mileage packages at a reasonable cost. These packages can help save on potential charges and are tailored to suit your specific driving requirements.

extended warranty

As part of our commitment to your satisfaction, each vehicle leased through us comes with an extensive extended warranty that covers the entire lease term, in accordance with the specific terms and conditions of your lease agreement. 

This warranty comprehensively covers major mechanical failures, including engine and gearbox issues, ensuring your peace of mind throughout the duration of your lease. Please note that while this warranty covers significant mechanical faults, it does not extend to consumable items such as tyres or damage due to misfuelling. During the vehicle handover process, our team will demonstrate how to check and maintain oil and water levels.

quality customer service

We recognise the demands of your busy schedule and are committed to offering you maximum flexibility. To better serve you, our team is available until 10pm on most days, ensuring that you can contact us at a time that suits you best. Whether you need to discuss leasing options, inquire about a specific vehicle, or manage your existing lease, our extended hours are designed to fit your lifestyle.

Our goal is to provide you with exceptional service when you need it most. This extended availability allows you to address your automotive needs without disrupting your daily responsibilities. We understand that life can be unpredictable, and our customer service team is here to support you, making your car leasing experience as seamless and stress-free as possible.

frontline discount

At Motters, we value and recognise the critical roles individuals play in our community. We offer a special discount of 10% on weekly payments to all emergency service personnel and carers. This is our way of saying thank you and supporting those who give so much to keep our community safe and cared for.

Our discount initiative for emergency service workers and carers is part of our broader commitment to giving back to the community that supports us. By providing more accessible leasing options, we hope to help these community heroes enjoy a little extra peace of mind in their personal lives, reflecting our appreciation for their invaluable service.

Courtesy Car

If your leased car needs to go in for repairs or servicing, don’t worry—we've got you covered with a courtesy car as standard. This way, you can keep going about your day without a vehicle.

We try to make sure a courtesy car is ready for you whenever you need one, but this dependant on the service area and availability. It’s all part of our effort to keep things smooth and convenient for you while you’re leasing with us.